
Georges Cyr

artist painter

(Autoportrait - crayon 53 x 42 cm collection Raymond Audi)

English - Introduction

Georges Cyr was born in Montgeron (Seine et Oise), in France. He started his artistic career on the advice of the painter Guillaumin. As from 1924, Cyr was exhibiting at the Salon des Independents in Paris. In 1934, following an unhappy emotional experience, he decided to leave France and tour the Middle East and the Far East. Having spent a few weeks in Beirut, he fell in love with the city and decided to settle in Ain El Mraisse. His studio was so popular it was viewed by many as an art school and it became the favorite meeting place of artists like Abboud, Kanaan, Onsi, Aouad, Basbous and others.

Cyr was not only a painter. He also worked with mosaics, ceramics, and stained glass. He taught painting and history of art, wrote numerous essays and lectured on the subject. Many see him as the true pioneer of modern art in Lebanon.

Cyr held an important exhibition in the St. Georges Hotel in 1935. This was followed by another at the Stade du Chayla, Beirut (1953). In 1965, Brigitte Shehadeh organized a retrospective exhibition of the artist's work at the Vendome Hotel in Beirut.
An entire room dedicated to the works of Georges Cyr can be seen in the Havre Museum in France.

Cyr was awarded the Lebanese National Order of the Cedar.

Lebanon Costumes and Countrysides

Featured Works

 Original watercolor from Georges Cyr, 1938, 35 x 50 cm with an extremely  valued frame. From the Private collection of artist Joseph Faloughi
Original watercolor from Georges Cyr, 1938, 35 x 50 cm with an extremely valued frame. From the Private collection of artist Joseph Faloughi
 Two Fish and a plate, 1956, 72 x 60 cm, Oil on canvas
Two Fish and a plate, 1956, 72 x 60 cm, Oil on canvas
 Artisan et Marchande - Craftsman and Fruit Seller
Artisan et Marchande - Craftsman and Fruit Seller

Dans cette rue montante de Deir el Qamar, les vieilles maisons aux fenêtres jumelées ou aux balcons, étagent leurs façades. Une paysanne, coiffée du tantour, porte des oranges dans un plateau de paille tressée. Au premier plan, un cardeur prépare le coton des matelas et des divans (Milieu du XIXe s.).
Lining this sloping street in Dier el Qamar are old houses with twin windows and balconies. A peasant woman, wearing a tantour, carries half ripe oranges in a tray of woven straw. In front of her a worker prepares cotton for stuffing mattresses and cushions (Middle 19th Century).

 Qu'il était beau mon village - How beautiful was my village
Qu'il était beau mon village - How beautiful was my village

Les villages libanais du début du XXe s. ont remplacé leurs toits plats par les tuiles rouges de Marseille. Le costume s'est simplifié, une ample chemise et un shirwal serré à la taille par une ceinture, continuent la tradition d'autrefois. Mais la coiffure a fait place au tarbouche rouge cylindrique et muni d'un pompon noir.
At the beginning of the 20th Century, the villagers replaced their flat roofs with the red tiles of Marseilles. Their costumes are simplified, a loose shirt and a belted shirwal continuing the tradition of former days. But the headgear has given place to a cylindrical red tarbouche with a black tassel.

 Un Chez soi Libanais - Lebanese at Home
Un Chez soi Libanais - Lebanese at Home

Le paysan libanais, petit propriétaire, menait une vie paisible et aisée. Sous les influences italiennes, la façade de la maison est plus aérée. Trois larges fenêtres à sommet ogival éclairent la cour couverte de la maison. Un sofa couvert de kilims orne le coin de la cour où le propriétaire prend du repos et reçoit ses hôtes et ses fermiers. Les femmes prennent discrètement part à cette vie (Fin XIXe s.)
The peasant landowner leads an easy peaceful life. The house front, in Italian style, is well aired. Three large windows with pointed arches illumine the large salon of the mansion. A sofa covered with Persian Kilims provides a resting place for the landowner to receive his guests and his tenants. The women are a discreet part of such a life (Late 19th Century).

 La vie aux champs - Life in the fields
La vie aux champs - Life in the fields

Les abords des villages sont très animés au printemps. Le berger, coiffé du bonnet conique en feutre et d'un petit turban, mène aux champs chèvres et moutons. Le laboureur pousse sa charrue pour planter quelques primeurs. La ménagère est allée à la fontaine de bon matin et le cavalier s'était mis en route dès l'aube.
In springtime, it is very busy outside the villages. The shepherd, with a conical felt hat and a small turban, leads his sheep and goats to the hills. The plowman works quickly to prepare the ground for early corps. The housewife is already returning from the fountain, and the horseman has been on the road since dawn.

 Réfugiés Kurdes a Saida - Kurdish refugees in Sidon
Réfugiés Kurdes a Saida - Kurdish refugees in Sidon

Terre d’asile, le Liban sert de refuge à tous les persécutés. A la fin de l’Empire Ottoman, un proverbe disait : Heureux celui qui possède l’attache d’une chèvre au Liban. Des groupes de Kurdes viennent de temps en temps des confins de l’Euphrate et du Tigre et s’emploient dans les villes aux métiers pénibles de portefaix et de ménagères.
A sheltering land, Lebanon serves as a refuge for all the persecuted. In the last days of the Ottomans, a proverb ran thus: He who possesses only a goat’s halter in Lebanon is happy. From time to time, groups of Kurds came from the regions of the Tigris and Euphrates and found arduous work in the cities as porters and housemaids.

 Etude, Study, 46 x 30 cm - Private Collection of Artist painter and poet Joseph Matar
Etude, Study, 46 x 30 cm - Private Collection of Artist painter and poet Joseph Matar
 Etude, Study, 46 x 30 cm - Private Collection of Artist painter and poet Joseph Matar
Etude, Study, 46 x 30 cm - Private Collection of Artist painter and poet Joseph Matar
 Moulineaux 1932 - Huile 81 x 65 cm
Moulineaux 1932 - Huile 81 x 65 cm
 Aquarelle - Sans titre 48 x 64 cm
Aquarelle - Sans titre 48 x 64 cm
 Crucification, 1937 - Huile 100 x 80 cm
Crucification, 1937 - Huile 100 x 80 cm
 Pour ma chère première Famille Libanaise, 1954 - Huile 58 x 70 cm
Pour ma chère première Famille Libanaise, 1954 - Huile 58 x 70 cm
 Portrait du poète Georges Schéhadé, 1936 - Huile 80 x 64 cm
Portrait du poète Georges Schéhadé, 1936 - Huile 80 x 64 cm
 Portrait de Mme Jacqueline Tabet - Huile 115 x 88 cm
Portrait de Mme Jacqueline Tabet - Huile 115 x 88 cm
 Les amis - Huile 130 x 162 cm
Les amis - Huile 130 x 162 cm
 Paysage de Chemlan - Huile 70 x 97 cm
Paysage de Chemlan - Huile 70 x 97 cm
 Port à Beyrouth, 1935 - Huile 80 x 63 cm
Port à Beyrouth, 1935 - Huile 80 x 63 cm
 Bar sur le quai à Rouen - Huile 98 x 80 cm
Bar sur le quai à Rouen - Huile 98 x 80 cm
 Sans titre - Huile 71 x 98 cm
Sans titre - Huile 71 x 98 cm
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