
Cesar Nasr


Personal Information:

Date of Birth: 13 / Sep / 1979
Nationality: LEBANESE
Marital Status: Single

Employment History:

Up to date: Selling TV ideas for Television shows and entertainment TV programs for Kids and youth.

02/2007 – Up to date: TV-CHARITY ( Jounieh - Lebanon
- a - Preparing TV-Programs for the Creative department: (WINDOWZIYAT, NACHRA CHAHIYA, KALIMA PEDIA). (till 06/2010)
- b - Co-producer for MENSIYIN program on SAWT AL MAHABA radio station for supporting poorest families in Lebanon.
- c – Preparing and Presenting 3 TV-Programs: (DARDA CHAT, SE3ET ZAMAN, CHAGHELTEH W 3AMELTEH).
- d – Achieving Voice-Over for many advertising (Radio-Tv).
- e - Covering many Vox Pop interviews and reports for several programs and different subjects.
- f - Advertising and Marketing.
- g - Secretary office to Father, Jean Abou khalifeh L.M (till 09/2009)

02/2006 – 01/2007: Viva Technologies > JAWNA TV station Manara Beirut
- Interactivity for the screen including: SMS Chat, Games, Voting
- Chat Moderation, Filtering SMS

01/2007 – 02/2007: Derby Race TV station Down Town Beirut
- Chat Moderation, Filtering SMS

06/2006 – 08/2007: M-Live TV station Sin El Fil - Lebanon
- Moderation Supervisor and Chat SMS moderator
- Moderation/Interactivity trainer

06/2006 – 11/2006: Hotel Dieu De France (Hospital) Beirut
- working in the Invoicing office (bureau de facturation)
- working in the Sending office (bureau d’ Envoi)
(paid training courses)

08/2004 – 04/2006: Pizza Hut International Lebanon in head office

- Customers Service Center :
1. Sales Man – Selling the product for 16 branches in 16 areas.
2. Responsible of each area in each restaurant coordinating delivery Service Operations.
3. Responsible of schedules telemarketing in delivery areas.
4. Responsible of Dispatch reports in delivery section at all branches.
5. Managing the call back operations to take care of the delivery customers.
6. Pursuing and solving customers' complaints in delivery section.


- Certificate Hotel Management BT3 Dekwaneh
- Centre International des sciences Techniques (C.I.T) Dawra: Specialization in Advertising and Marketing

N.B: all certifications details upon request

Professional Qualifiquations:

- Courses in C.H.A.M.P.S , customer mania, customer mania plus.
- Certificate from Hotel Dieu de France Hospital
- Attestation from M-LIVE TV Station
- Attestation from TV CHARITY and SAWT AL MAHABA Radio station
- Computer Literate : Advanced Photoshop, Corel Draw, Microsoft Office, TV moderation programs and data.

N.B: all certifications details upon request

Hobbies & Languages:

- Arabic, French, English : Fluent
- Learning German Language Level 1, (Michel Thomas German Basic)
- Creating many TV ideas for TV shows: games and interactivity programs , sold for many TV concepts
- Writing, Creating ideas, Handcrafts, Reading, Cooking…


I am responsible; I respect the company’s rules & regulation; Team-work player and hard worker.

What is a Pinata?

The Pinata is a tradition that began in Mexico and then passed to Italy, where there are many yearly celebrations, in particular that of the Feast of Christmas.

This tradition consists of filling models of animals or stars with candies. These are dangled from the branches of trees and the child gives them blows with a stick; all the candies that fall out are for him or her to enjoy.

من صغري وأنا أحب الأشغال اليدويّة وهي بمثابة هواية لي. في عام 2006 وحينما كانت إبنة أخي تريد القيام بعيد ميلادها السابع، طلبت منّي PINATA كبيرة ترمز الى CHARLOTE AUX FRAISES فتحدّيت نفسي وقمت بتنفيذ المطلوب وكانت من اجمل واكبر الPINATA لفتاً للنظر حيث مجمل المعازيم في الحفل قاموا بأخذ رقم هاتفي ومن هنا بدأت رحلتي في صنع ال PINATA للمناسبات وأعياد الميلاد.

اليكم باقة من الصور الخاصة بصفحتي على الفايس بووك تعطيكم فكرة عن أعمالي الخاصة بال PINATA.

ما هي البنياتا:

لـ Piñata هي تقليد بدأ في المكسيك وبعد ذلك إلى أيطاليا حيث أن الـ Piñata تقليد يكثر المناسبات في أيام الميلاد، وعيد الميلاد. تقوم هذه العادة على ملء بعض الأشكال عادة ً حيوانات أو نجوم ويملؤنها بالحلويات وتعلق عادة بحبل على الشجرة ويقوم الطفل بضربها بالعصا وعدد الحلويات التي تسقط له هي ملك له.

In French: Enfant encore, j'aimais les travaux manuels, c'étaient mon passe-temps et ma passion.
En 2006, quand ma nièce voulait célébrer son septième anniversaire, elle me demanda une Pinata grande, symbolisant Charlotte aux fraises. Je me suis défié moi même et je me suis mis à réaliser cette commande. C'était l'une des plus grandes et plus belles Pinata qui attira l'attention de tous les convives à cette fête qui demandèrent le numéros de mon téléphone et mes coordonnées. C'était le début de l'aventure dans la réalisation des Pinatas pour les occasions et anniversaires...
Un ensemble de photos sur ma page et Facebook vous donnera une idée sur mes travaux personnels de Pinata.

Qu'est ce qu'une Pinata?

La Pinata est une tradition qui débuta au Mexique, ensuite c'était l'Italie ou nombreuses sont les occasions d'anniversaires et la Fête de Noel.

Cette tradition consiste a remplir certaines formes d'animaux, ou d'étoiles avec des douceurs et qu'on attachait d'habitude avec une corde à un arbres, l'enfant se charge de la frapper avec un bâton et tous les douceurs qui tomberont seront en sa possession, ses biens.

Featured Works

 Dipsy Pinata
Dipsy Pinata
 Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse
 Oui Oui
Oui Oui
 Queen Princessa Pinata
Queen Princessa Pinata
 Siamese Cat
Siamese Cat
 Tweety Bird
Tweety Bird